Friday, January 4, 2013

A sight seeing break and then On to the next...

With the ploughs, lorry and tractors in working condition and on the job, next week I hope to make some needed "non emergency" repairs and maintenance on the two vans and a other equipment
The following week, on January 14th,  a philanthropist from Wales will be joining us with the goal of funding and assisting the community outreach side of Omwabini's mission. During his time they hope to put up 10 houses for extreme poor families and protect and clean three new water sources. The house projects will involve the supported families, their friends and neighbours and other local volunteers. We are looking forward to the opportunity to participate with them on this venture.  This will give us a chance to do some home building, African style, using quite different building materials from what we are use to working with.
by Albert

A young man visited this morning. He was lonely and aching for someone to talk to. His mother had passed away last summer, leaving him to struggle and try to make a living on his own. Mary’s question so typically to the many who come for help is, “What can you do”. Today the young man’s answer was, “I can make and sell sombasies” (a lentil filled bun that is deep fried). So Mary sent him on his way equipped with one bag of lentils, one bag of flour, one jar of oil, 50 shillings for charcoal for his stove as capital for his new business. He should be able to make 100 sombasies per day.  She then gave him a small amount of salt, sugar, rice, tea and plantains to feed himself till his business can be established and feed him. Mary will supply him with one more bag of flour a day for the next four days, but he is required to supply everything else with his daily profits. After a prayer of blessings on his new venture, he left from mourning to smiling and full of hope. That’s the miracle we see working itself out daily here.
by Carolyn

For some reason I having problems uploading pictures today, I'll post anyway.  Tomorrow Carolyn and I will break from our routine and hope to tour to the equator and then to the Kakamega forest. Looking forward to this!

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