Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Day

We closed out 2012 and welcomed in the New Year at the Center with a three hour time of celebration, praise and prayer African-style (very lively) with the orphans, guests, and some of the Omwabini staff and Mary's extended family.  During a time of reflection and sharing of experiences of this past year many, including some of the older orphans, expressed a heartfelt graditude for God's providence in seeing them through the individual challenges they endured and for the love and support they received at the center during this uncertain time of their young lives.  – powerful!

On New year's day here in Kenya like in Canada everything is closed so we took the oportunity to spend some time at the center and to visit and chat with locals. There are always a number of people travelling the streets on foot between Mary's house and the center .

       Some interesting  and peculiar sights for us  ...

Instead of a coffee break men often snack on sugar cane. Sugar cane looks like cornstalk. They chew the stalk to suck out the sugar then spit out the pulp.


This is a common sight. A "Matatu" is a 12 passenger van that operates like a small shuttle bus. It is not uncommon to see 15 people jammed into the seats and three more hanging out the open sliding door even while driving down the highway.
The three wheeler "tuktuk"on the right is generally only used to transport people within the city.

Kenya's version of "Oliebollen" (we added the icing sugar). These are called "mandezies" and tastes similar, just missing raisins. They are often served for breakfast.